Friday 3 March 2017

In this post I will explain my overall conclusion that how diversity effect the workplace. As I mention earlier that diversity is important for a successful business. Diversity in workplace have more advantages than disadvantages so it is good to take benefit from it. Diversity in a workplace is beneficial so to overcome its challenges you should use the concept of diversity management. If any business does not accept the need of diversity in workplace then its result can be a less profit or loss of business.

Consequences of ignoring diversity
v  Ignoring diversity issues can costs time, money and efficiency.
v  Loss of productivity because of increased conflicts.
v  Complaints and legal actions.
v  If company does not allow to retain women and people of different regions it can lost investments in recruitment and training.
Diversity in a workplace is growing day by day. The need for diversity in workplace are increasing not only because of different type of people but also because of creative solutions for problems are given by these diverse workplace people. Diversity is good in many ways, with diverse work environment employees can produce good performance.

All the organisations should learn about diversity and management of diversity of a successful is not only good for organisations or companies but also for employees who are working in a diverse workplace. Diversity management knowledge is necessary for both the companies and employee so they can handle any kind of problem occurred by diversity. (, n.d.)


(n.d.). Retrieved from

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