Thursday 2 March 2017

Disadvantages of diversity in place

Welcome to my second post, in this I am going to explain further about diversity in workplace. As I mention in my first post that there are some disadvantages also along with advantages of workplace diversity.The main factor of disadvantages is communication issues.

  • In a diverse workplace people from different regions work together they may not understand each other languages. Language barrier can be an issue.
  • In a diverse workplace workers may not feel free to speak. 
  • There may be a lack of freedom to speak. As they work in that place where people from different countries and regions work together so employees must be sensitive to other’s cultural beliefs and background. 
  • They must have to think before saying anything because it may mean something else in co-workers region.
 The following diagram illustrate some negative points of diversity in workplace,

In a diverse workplace people of different age group and different level of experience work together so there may be a chance of disagreement at a certain point of time. Workers behavior may also be disrespectful for each other and consistency may also decrease. People who are more experienced will also have negative opinion towards other workers. There are more chances of discrimination in a diverse workplace.

In my upcoming post I will describe how to manage a diversity in workplace. (, n.d.)


(n.d.). Retrieved from